Pythagoras 1 provides logistical support, tactical coordination and key intelligence to the team.
Pythagoras 1 is a latest generation Artificial Intelligence (AI) construct developed by top European scientists at CERN’s particle accelerator secret AI laboratory. As they realised the immense potential in the AI they were developing, his programming became more and more ambitious, and this development led to several absolutely ground-breaking advances in computer programs and AI constructs.
What the scientists were not counting on was the computer program developing an unusual idiosyncrasy in the form of a flamboyant personality. Modelled on the human brain which created him, Pythagoras 1 chooses to project himself through haptic holography in the form of an ancient Greek philosopher – dipped in blue chrome!
Pythagoras 1 views his projected form as him abandoning his insipid grey hard drive stack and monitor screens, in favour of being equal (and, in his mind, superior) to those who created him. He appears in this projected human form, surrounded by rotating atoms.
As a computer, Pythagoras 1’s logic, scientific reasoning, and mathematics allow him to make the more impossible aspects of Captain Euro’s technology and ideas, well, possible. Without Pythagoras running the simulations, models, and calculations, very few of Marcus’s wild ideas could have seen the light of day.
Pythagoras 1 is particularly proud of his ability to communicate complex concepts to his fellow lesser beings – another of the many bonuses of his projected form. With his unfathomably complex neural net, he can manipulate his haptic holographic technology with complete easy. A revolving holographic model of a building may appear, rotate, and split apart in the palm of his hand, followed by mission data, pictures, and film footage – all of which he uses to great effect to communicate information quickly to his team.
Despite being immaterial, with great concentration and power, his haptic holographic technology can manipulate solid objects.
If Pythagoras 1 were a human, he would be diagnosed with 7 different personality disorders – a fact which he is well aware of, and is in some sense proud of. His desire to win and be better than everyone and everything else in particular drives him. The team have trained themselves to find Pythagoras 1’s vaguely contemptuous and arrogant manner towards humans as endearing and amusing. His favourite movie: Kubrick’s, 2001 A Space Odyssey. A space movie where a computer (HAL) seems to have emotions and takes over the ship from its human mission pilots with dire consequences. He prefers to keep his taste in movies secret from the crew!
Pythagoras 1 has the ability to select any form he wants to represent himself and sometimes he appears as a famous figure from the past like Ghandi, Julius Caesar or Churchill.
Because of his obsession with history, Pythagoras 1 has been secretly working on developing plans for a TIME MACHINE. Much of his work is based on quantum physics and on Einstein’s theory of relativity. Will he be finally able to create it?